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Car Sickness Remedies on a Road Trip

Travel fearlessly and confidently with these motion sickness remedies and tips. Don’t let motion sickness hinder your sense of adventure!

Do you love to go? Camping, short road trips, long road trips, hiking, biking, canoeing, sightseeing. Any and all of it, I love to GO! One issue; Motion sickness.

Even as a child I struggled with getting “car sick.” I recall, rather vividly, riding in the car on our way to the Boundary Waters with my family. I told my mom, “I think I’m going to throw up.” She gave me a Pringles canister and told me to use that. Now, she didn’t think I was serious, just being dramatic. A valid assumption with kids on a long car ride. Sure enough, I puked in a the canister and didn’t eat Pringles again for roughly 20 years.

Motion sickness can really wreck havoc on your vacation and put on damper on your trip companions. My goal throughout this post is to assist you in managing your affliction so you can get back to doing the things you love with the confidence of keeping your cookies down… and not in a Pringles can.

Know You Sickness

Everyone is different when it comes to motion sickness. I always referred to it as “car sickness” because I only become nauseated in a car. Not a boat, canoes are great, planes are no problem. Just the car. With the exception of when I was pregnant, the motion sickness only comes on when I am not the one driving. While pregnant, I did become nauseated while driving as well. It was great… not!

The key to avoiding motion sickness altogether is to first determine when, where, and during which activities you begin to feel symptoms.

Be Prepared and Have a Plan

It’s pretty rare that one would have to drive a great distance at a moments notice. There is usually a great deal of planning before taking off on a grand adventure, add your motion sickness remedies into your plan. This is not something to overlook or push off. Motion sickness really can cause delays, ruin a good time, and even break a trip.

After figuring out what triggers your symptoms and what remedies them, be sure to have a plan to put into action prior to your trip. And have a Plan B and maybe even a Plan C. Knowing that you have what you need at the ready when you come down with that nausea can ease your anxiety that likely comes with the atrocious feeling.

Pro Tip: Keep a stash of what works for you in your vehicle, travel bag, purse, or whatever you always have with you. I have three different versions of Dramamine in the center console of my vehicle at all times.


There’s a variety of different products out there to aid in this annoying ailment. I’ve tried all of the ones I’m listing for you. Some work for me, some don’t. Like I said previously; motion sickness acts differently for everyone and is brought on by different environments and activities. Try these different remedies and see what works. It’s worth the trial and error process to develop a solid plan for your future adventures.

Speak with your doctor prior to remedying your motion sickness to rule out any underlying conditions and to ensure these products are safe for you.

Original Dramamine

Comes in little tablets, take a dose 30 minutes before travel.

Pro: It works. It definitely works. Even if it didn’t work, one cannot toss their cookies if one is unconscious. This brings me to cons…

Con: You will no longer be awake. This remedy will cause major drowsiness, I do not recommend taking this if you plan on driving at all. Passengers only. Another drawback; the taste is nasty, be sure to have a chaser.

Less Drowsy Dramamine

Just like it says in the name, it’s less drowsy Dramamine. Same protocol, take a dose 30 minutes before travel.

Pro: Still reduces nausea while not completely incapacitating you.

Con: The taste is no better than the original. While you won’t be completely knocked out, it does still cause some drowsiness.

Dramamine Naturals/Dietary Supplement Non-Drowsy

A more natural alternative and my favorite, comes in a little capsule with powdered ginger inside. Take a dose 30 minutes prior to travel.

Pro: Dramamine Naturals is the bee’s knees. No drowsiness, no nasty after taste, no real drugs. It’s ginger in a capsule.

Con: The capsule is a bit larger than the other tablets, but that’s about it. If you don’t like ginger, your future burps might be a little less than desirable.

Tip: Take the capsules with a beverage. This is a must. I forgot to grab my water from the back of my Pathfinder on our last long drive and regretted it. Trying to take them dry resulted in an unpleasant burning sensation in my throat, but it still kept the nausea at bay.


This is like a compacted ginger tablet.

Pro: Still a more natural approach in the fight against vomiting.

Con: This one didn’t work so great. For the first couple of hours into the road trip it was fine, it went down hill after that. I began to have gross tasting burps and the nausea began to creep back up. We had to stop a few times so I could walk around a while before then end of the drive.

Motion Sickness Bands

Little bands with knobs that press on pressure points in the wrist.

Pro: No medication needed. It is just an elastic cuff with a plastic knob.

Con: They can become warm, maybe a little itchy.

Side note: They do not work for me, but they did work for my aunt. I think this one is more of a mind over matter remedy, but that’s just my opinion. Worth a try, maybe it takes the right person.

Dramamine Ginger Chews

Small individually wrapped chewable. Chew as needed.

Pro: No drowsiness. Taken as needed, good for short drives where a full dose of other remedies wouldn’t be needed.

Con: They are not the best flavor in the world, in my opinion. The texture is similar to loose gum.

The flavor isn’t great and the texture actually brought on a different kind of nausea for me. Not my favorite, but if you’re a real ginger fan, perhaps it’s worth a try.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint essential oil, any brand works. No need to make the whole car stink like peppermint, just a quick whiff under the nose will do. I am not an essential oil nut, but this one actually works. Don’t wear the oil or ingest it, simply take the cap off and sniff it when nausea starts creeping up.

Pro: The scent of the oil is refreshing, great for temporary relief on shorter drives. No long term effects or drowsiness.

Con: The relief doesn’t last very long. Some don’t like the scent of peppermint.

Ginger Ale

No matter which remedy I am utilizing, this is in my arsenal. If I have forgotten to take my remedy prior to my departure, this right here will get me through until the medication kicks in.

Pro: Usually made with real ginger, no terrible aftertaste, causes excellent burps that can relieve some nausea that has already started.

Con: It’s not the healthiest option being higher in sugar and all. If you lack self control, slamming the beverage will cause a gut rot feeling rather than helping you. It works best to sip long term.

Tip: Keep a couple of bottles on ice in a well insulated cooler for the return trip home. We stored a few bottles in my parent’s Yeti cooler with ice for four days, they were cool and crisp on the ride back.

Prescription Nausea Medication

If you really can’t find anything to help you, seek a doctors help. There are prescription nausea medications, I have not tried these for motion sickness, but I found them effective while pregnant.

Stay Comfortable

Keeping Cool: This is one of my must do’s in the car. While not every nausea inducing activity has this option, keeping cool in the car or an airplane is doable. On hot days when the vehicle doesn’t cool very quickly or the sun is beating into the window at just the wrong angle, I stick my finger tips out a small crack in the window. The wind cools them off and I put them on the back of my neck, works like a charm. Keeping an ice pack in the cooler to place on the back of your neck or over your eyes can be helpful as well. When we lived in California we had “cooling clothes,” these are helpful as well.

Breath: Well duh. Of course you have to breath. But controlling that breathing can help, especially when symptoms have already shown their ugly faces. Slow and controlled breathing will absolutely help. Having cold airflow is even better. Keeping the kids quiet is the best. **Wink

Close Your Eyes: This one is not my favorite, but it does work occasionally. The idea is to not look at the world passing by…. but isn’t that whole point of a road trip? This would be ideal on a plane, namely for those suffering from a bit of anxiety as well.

Look Forward: Here’s a good one. Great alternative to closing your eyes if you don’t want to miss out, like me. Sitting in the front passengers seat is the next best thing to driving for the motion sick traveler. If that’s not an option, sitting in the middle seat in the back to keep the view forward works a bit too.

Sleep: Obviously, you won’t be throwing up if you’re sleeping. If you can sleep in the car right away before getting nauseated, cheers to you! I can’t do that. I’ll be tossing cookies well before falling asleep. Drowsy Dramamine will knock me out and we get a two for one remedy. Problem here is, I don’t like to miss the journey. I slept on the way Florida for just a few hours and Scott informed me of a really cool bridge that I missed. This remedy is not for me.

Additional Tips

Avoid Greasy Foods: This is one that I recently discovered. Eating warm, fatty, or greasy foods while in motion can aggravate motion sickness. Keep snacks light and healthy. Nothing heavy or greasy, and don’t overeat.

Don’t Read: Stay off your phone and keep your nose out of the books. The only thing you should be reading is the map or GPS if your are the navigator. Reading gets me every time, even with Dramamine.

Bags/Buckets: Keep bags, buckets, or vomit bags on hand. Nothing is worse than vomit on car interior. That smell doesn’t like to come out. Ice cream pails with a lid are great, they have a lid to contain the smell until you get to a place to toss it. We’ve received actual vomit bags from the doctors office after procedures. Saving them in the car was great until I used them up. In a pinch, a dog poop bag will catch a mess too. Don’t upchuck into a pringles can, the effects are long lasting.

Pull over: Don’t be afraid to pull over in a safe area. If there is a risk that someone might vomit, we pull over. Even if they don’t toss their cookies, walking around will help. Especially when it is cool outside. On a spring trip, I hadn’t taken my Dramamine Naturals soon enough. We pulled over, I hopped out and stuck my hands in one of the last snowbanks. Five minutes of walking around beats an hour of scrubbing car upholstery.

Cleaning supplies: If all of your efforts fail, having cleaning supplies stashed in the car is so darn convenient. Many SUV’s now have a storage compartment in the back. Mine is stocked with paper towels, bags, a small air freshener spray and Clorox wipes.

Don’t let motion sickness hinder your love of adventure. With everything there is to do and see in this world, it’s absolutely worth figuring out your own personal concoction. Once you’ve found your own remedy system, you’ll be traveling fearlessly.

8 Nostalgic 90’s Adventure Movies To Watch with Your Kids

Get geared up for adventure season with these nostalgic 90’s movies chalk full of wild adventures and survival situations. True cinematic adventures!

On these dreary, wet spring days when it’s too yucky to play outside; grab your favorite snack and pop in an old adventure movie to watch with your kids. Any one of these thrilling nostalgia filled titles will have you amped up for adventure season.

Fly Away Home

This is a tragic story turned heartwarming. 13 year old, Amy, lives with her mother in New Zealand when a horrific accident lands her reunited with her father in Canada. While Amy adjusts to her new circumstances, her inventor/artist father tries to help her along but to no avail. Amy happens upon a nest of Canadian goose eggs. Father and daughter bond over their attempt to rescue these birds from living a captive life.

If you can get passed the first tear jerking 5 minutes, this is a great wholesome father/daughter movie. I enjoyed it growing up and I appreciate it in a new light as a parent with my own kids.

Iron Will

Young musher, Will Stoneman, enters a dogsled race with his late fathers dog, Gus, in an attempt to save his family farm. Will bonds with Gus as they both mourn his fathers death over the course of the race. All odds are against the inexperienced musher and fellow racers are of no help. Will and Gus face many challenges along their trail, from dangerous terrain to villainous racers. Catching the eye of a news reporter gains Will some fame and gives America new hope as the country watches as this young man race to save what he holds dear.

Wild America

Two brothers, Marty and Mark, work hard to break free of the fate their father has set for them, working in his business. They set off to film wild, endangered animals before they disappear. Their little brother, Marshall, stows away in the van to join them on their journey. These boys face many dangerous encounters from the Louisiana swamps to the Rocky Mountains. The best part about this film is that it’s based on the story of a real wildlife videographer. This is the tale of Marty Stoffer, the wildlife videographer who created the series “Wild America.”

This cinematic adventure was one of my favorites growing up and has been my daughters favorite on this list so far, too. There is something freeing about this movie. These boys experience America as she was when there were fewer restriction and the land was more wild.


Following their fathers tragic plane crash, two teen siblings head into the Alaskan wilderness on a rescue mission. Their hope is to find their father, a bush pilot, before it’s too late. The two need to work together to find their father amid their own struggles. It’s a heartwarming tale of siblings working together for the love of their father.

We didn’t have this movie growing up, but our neighbor did. I remember borrowing this video over and over. We had a very kind neighbor with an extensive movie collection. Yes, most were VHS! Thanks Jill!

Far From Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog

A boy and his dog brave the coastal Canadian wilderness after a raging storm causes them to fall overboard from his fathers boat. The pair must rely on one another to find food, shelter and survive the brutal environment in hopes that a rescue crew will find them.

This is a great movie to introduce to your kids if you’re trying to drive home the importance of basic survival skills. All adventuring kids should have some outdoor survival practice.

Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Oh my goodness, grab the tissues! Even if you’re not a dog person, this movie will hit you right in the feelings. This wholesome movie follows the journey of two dogs, Shadow and Chance, and their kitty cat companion, Sassy as they search for their way home after fleeing their pet sitter’s ranch. The crew traverses mountains, battles a raging river and wards off wild animals, all in their search for their family.

This was absolutely one of my favorite movies growing up. While on a road trip, our kids were playing this movie in the back seat. I wasn’t even watching it, but when I heard Shadow come over that hill, I reached for the tissues. If you’ve seen this one, you know exactly the moment I mean. Moving on, these words on my screen are beginning to blur. I need to go hug my dog.

George of the Jungle

Okay, who doesn’t love a good Brendan Frasier movie? Haven’t watched a moving staring him that I didn’t like. George of the Jungle is an adventure comedy about a man who grew up in the jungle, was raised by apes. Ursula (not a sea witch), enters the picture while on safari and is saved by George, both from a lion and an unworthy fiancé.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Okay, this one actually came out in 2008, but it still needs to be on the list. Another great action packed adventure movie starring Brendan Frasier. An uncle and nephew journey to the center of the earth (obviously, duh) in search of their brother/father and discover the truth of what happened to him.

Outdoor Spring Bucket List Ideas for Minnesota

Spring is full of life and splendor, get out there and watch the world come alive! Add a few of these activities to your spring bucket list and get a jump start on your adventuring this season.

Spring has arrived and it’s time to enjoy all it has in store for us. Aside from it being a muddy, slippery, and sloppy mess; Minnesota is beautiful in the spring. Or maybe it’s because we’ve had one really long winter month after month. Either way, we’re happy to see it, here are some ideas to get you out enjoying the gorgeous weather this spring.

Waterfalls of the North Shore

When the snow begins to melt in northern Minnesota it has but one place to go; Lake Superior. The many rivers leading to the giant lake will be rushing with their newfound water source in the melting snow. It’s the perfect time to catch a glimpse of just how powerful these waters can be.

**Warning: The currents in these rivers are particularly strong in the spring. Be especially careful to keep children in hand near the rivers edge. The water flows fast, and can be quite dangerous for youngsters.

State Park Waterfall Ideas:

Garden Center Visit

Find inspiration for your own outdoor space at your local garden center. Improving your own outdoor space helps to keep the great outdoors close to home. Find a new tree to plant, some ferns to add to your outdoor collection, or some flowers to add a splash of color. This is great fun for the kids too, my daughter likes to find the flowers that have fallen off of their plant to make a bouquet while we peruse the selections.

River Hikes

With winter fading away, the ice gives way to open water. This draws in ducks and geese making their way back to the Northland. A hike along a rivers edge shows evidence of summer’s return, even in these lengthy winters. While ice out may be a longer ways off, rivers shine early. Bring your binoculars and camera to capture some great moments on the water.

Landscape Arboretum

Don’t miss peak tulip bloom at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. My grandma grew up on a property just outside of what is now the MN Landscape Arboretum. We get our very own tour guide when she’s along, it’s truly wonderful. The tulip bloom varies from year to year so check in on their webpage for the most updated information. Over 40,000 tulip bulbs are planted by the folks at the arboretum. It’s a great opportunity for photographers to get clients in a beautiful spring setting.

Maple Syrup

March is Maple Tapping season. The Minnesota State Parks Service hosts classes and demonstrations for this event. Check the events calendar on the DNR website for the schedule and sign up early, they fill up fast.

Have an abundance of maple trees? You can find tapping kits online and make your own syrup!

Full “Pink” Moon Hike

Aprils full moon is called the “Pink Moon.” This name is from the the pink ground phlox that grows in in April. The MN Landscape Arboretum hosts an event in honor of this full moon. The Pink Moon Hike begins at 7:30pm and ends at 10pm. Check out the MN Landscape Arboretum for more details.

Bike Rides

In late spring, when the snow is finally fading away, it’s time to dust off the bikes and hit the trails. Minnesota has amazing trails and traveling by bike will get you seeing more spring action. Here are some great paved trails to witness the state in bloom.

  • Heartland State Trail (Park Rapids Area)
  • Willard Munger State Trail (Dulut)
  • Gateway State Trail (St. Paul)
  • Brown’s Creek State Trail (Stillwater)
  • Blazing Star State Trail (Albert Lea)

Minnesota Zoo Visit

Many of the smaller zoos in Minnesota close for the colder months of the year, the Minnesota Zoo stays open all year round. There are some new arrivals to visit in the spring that are great entertainment for all, especially the kids. Checkout the baby chick, piglets and numerous other babies arriving in springtime at the zoo.

Bear Center Visit

Head up to Ely to say, “Good morning,” to the bears. The Bear Center closes for the winter season to let the bears sleep and reopens at the end of April. We visited the bear center mid-May last spring to greet the bears with my daughter’s girl scout troop. This was such a unique experience and very informative. We even had a minor bear encounter that weekend, it was a great learning experience for the ladies and a perfect way to kickoff camping season. Bear Head Lake State Park is a perfect place to make a weekend trip out of it.

Camping at Manatee Springs State Park, FL

A fantastic State Park for a northerners winter getaway. Take an escape to the adventure filled Manatee Springs State Park, Florida. You won’t be disappointed in the wildlife, warmth, and new experiences.

A fantastic park for a winter getaway. Wildlife, cypress swamps, boardwalks, and a whole world of other adventures. Manatee Springs was our first destination on a road trip from Minnesota to Florida in February of 2022. We were in need of a break from the winter weather and I had grown antsy in the camping department. Our daughter Sandy was craving the warmth and I was craving a camping adventure. A compromise was struck and this state park delivered.


Location: 11650 N.W. 115 St. Chiefland FL 32626

Cost to Camp: $20 per night +tax, $6.70 reservation fee

Reservations: Make reservations at the Manatee Springs Webpage

While driving to this state park, there is a very country, non-vacation destination feel about it. It’s certainly a different version of Florida than our daughter was expecting. Once there, with the palm trees reaching over the roads and the sand at the wooded campsite, relaxation and warmth began to set in.

There are 80 campsites available at the park, some are RV friendly while others are tent only. We stayed in the tent only section. The camp areas weren’t particularly secluded, but the other campers in the area were quite respectful of noise and boundaries. We are all after the same relaxing camp experience.

Our site was located on the border to the “Catfish Hotel.” It was a unique view for our first camping trip to Florida. The sites are spacious enough to set up a tent a fair distance from the the fire ring and picnic table. The parking space is basically inside the camping area. Our site also had an orange tree in it. That was pretty neat.

Boardwalk in the Cypress Swamp

Manatee Springs has an amazing 800 feet of boardwalk that weaves through the Cypress Swamp, immersing hikers right into the Florida wildlife. The boardwalk leads from the springs out to the Suwannee River. We spent a lot of time on this board walk. Every direction you turned, there was something new to see. There is also fishing available at the end, don’t forget your gear and your fishing license.


The springs at this park are crystal clear. Perfect for snorkeling and swimming. Two words of caution; brr and alligators. The water is quite cold, even for a desperate Minnesotan looking for sunshine. Numerous postings that state the risk of alligators are scattered about the area. We did see alligators near the springs, it is a “swim at your own risk” situation. That being said, we didn’t have any issues while swimming and had a great, yet chilly time. Sandy even got up close to a turtle with her snorkel.

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is allowed at the springs and the Catfish Hotel. The Catfish Hotel is a 35 foot deep spring that has catfish in it. The diving is heavily regulated and is on a first come, first served basis only. We did not dive on our trip to Manatee Springs, but we did see several divers getting ready for their adventure. It was quite intriguing.


Fun in the sun! Who knew that a simple playground would be one of the top attractions for our kids. They were so happy to run in the warm sunshine and play on a playground that wasn’t covered in snow. It’s a great park with seating for exhausted parents to watch their kids burn off endless energy. Take time to slow down and let them run on this park within the park.


Wildlife is abundant in this park, but watch closely, the camouflage is impressive. We did see alligators and snakes, but sadly, no manatees. After speaking with some other campers, we learned that the manatee pod had left the day before we arrived. The only manatee we saw was the statue at the beginning of the boardwalk. That was too bad for us, but we did get to see plenty of other species in the park. The most entertaining and least exotic was the squirrel. They were so funny, racing around, stealing and burying nuts. Aside from the charismatic squirrels, we did see many species in the park:

  • American Alligator
  • Turtles
  • Variety of Birds
  • Snakes
  • Lizards (Killian loved the little ones around camp)

Some we didn’t see but rumor has it, they are in the park:

  • Deer
  • Raccoons
  • Armadillos (this would have been cool to see!)
  • Of course, Manatees


During out stay at Manatee Springs, we took advantage of a shuttle/canoe rental service provided by Anderson’s Outdoor Adventures. We were picked up from the spring area and shuttled to a boat launch farther up the Suwannee River. Here we were dropped off with our fishing gear, canoe and paddles. The canoe experience was so unique and I was very thankful for being able to enjoy one of my favorite outdoor activities on new waters with my family. They currently offer canoe/kayak trips on the Santa Fe River, check them out for a paddle adventure.

Keep a good hold of your sunglasses. Killian was looking over the side of the canoe and his slipped off. He was convinced that the alligators ate them. He still talks about those “naughty” alligators who ate his sunglasses.


There are 8.5 miles of hiking trails available at Manatee Springs. We only took advantage of a short distance, it was quite hot for our northern blood down there. We did get a chance to experience some good Florida woodland here. If you choose to go hiking, watch for snakes and bring plenty of water, the heat is unreal after a MN winter. Our little man was tired when we started and ended up falling asleep on me. We all stayed hydrated by bringing water bottles along in the child carrying pack.

Nearby Restaurant

I am going to throw out a restaurant suggestion here along with a fair warning. Don’t let the drive to the restaurant deter you from getting there. It is a sketchy and nerve wracking drive for northern folks. The road is full of holes, the homes along the way obviously have suffered a great deal of damage and disrepair, many of them are on stilts. Scott and I gave each other many questioning looks on the drive there. I am so glad we stuck it out, though. Once there, the restaurant did not disappoint!

Suwannee Bell Landing: 282 SE 989th St, Old Town, FL 32680

New meals were tried and we were blown away. Sandy and I tried alligator tail for the first time, they did it right at the Suwannee Bell. The meat was juicy and flavorful with a crispy breading, not at all what I was expecting. Sandy also tried some of the seared Ahi. She enjoyed that too, Scott and I were impressed with her willingness to try new things. The Alfredo was sensational! And award winning, we were told. I highly recommend a stop at the Suwannee Bell Landing for a sensational dinner if you’re in the Manatee Springs area.

Watching the sunset over the Suwannee River from the upper level was an amazing end to a great day in Manatee Springs State Park.

Tips to Make the Most of the Last Winter Hiking Days with Kids

Winter hiking days are coming to a close. Now is the time to get out and enjoy the winter scenery on warmer days. Here are some tips for keeping the winter hiking season going.

March is here! Spring is within reach, we can almost smell it. Most Minnesotans rejoice, I am included in this bunch… A little bit. There is a small part of me that feels the sadness of an ending season. Am I the only one? I hope not.

With the snow melting away and the ice fading, we can still make the most of our last days of winter hiking. In some ways, this is the best of winter hiking. There are some things to consider before hitting the trail on these slushy days.

Hooray for Sunlight

Having more sunlight at the end of the day is what we Midwesterners long for all winter. When it is finally here, everybody has a serotonin boost. Woohoo! With this sunlight comes more time to be outside after work and school, especially when daylight savings time hits. I think we all have mixed feelings on that subject. This new found light in our days is so thrilling, we’ll all be running for our hiking shoes. Pump the breaks!

When that sun starts to set, it sets hard. When the earth shifts and graces us with that glowing energy, we can get so caught up in getting outside that we forget that it will fade into evening just like any other day. Check the time that the sun sets before you leave the house. Choose a trail that will allow for the amount of daylight that you have left. It’s always a good idea to keep a flashlight in your hiking pack. My daughter and I both carry one, and I have a headlamp in my first aid kit.

Warming Temperatures

With that sweet sunshine comes the warming temps, yay! I like this time of year for hiking because you can still see winters beauty and get the younger kids out enjoying it longer. Staying warm during winter hiking is all about trapping air with layers. Those layers really come into play this time of year. Why? You can peal them off!

I actually do the opposite when I hike in March. I start my hike with fewer layers than I end with. The reason being is that I usually start my hikes midday or later. So I’m starting at peak temp for the day. If the hike starts at 3pm and I’m wearing all of my layers at the beginning, the sweat pour right away. What does sweat do in the winter? Freezes, even in March. To prevent this, I start with near base layers and add as the sun starts to fade. Don’t wait until you are cold to add a layer. Try to anticipate about when you’ll need your next layer before you get a chill. With this method, I don’t get cold and I don’t sweat.

Spring Slush

Those warm temperatures that we just talked about sound phenomenal, the downfall: slush, mush, and mud. It’s true; spring is messy. It’s worth the mess to get out there and soak in the vitamin D. Wearing the proper gear and being prepared alleviate the headache of messy kids on the trail.

Lets talk boots. Don’t put those winter boots away just yet. I know everyone seems to rave about those darn rubber rain boots. Don’t. Do. It. They never fit properly, they fall off in sticky mud, and easily get filled with mush and muddy water with their loose tops. Unless your kids have Bogs, waterproof winter boots is the way to go. It’s not THAT warm yet, the winter boots will keep your kids’ feet warm and dry as they traverse the slush of spring. It’ll also save money not having to purchase multiple pairs of footwear for a season that is really short-lived.

Snow pants are still a must, at least in the beginning of March. I know it’s nice but those snow pants protect the under layers from becoming soaked. It’s actually quite comfortable to end up in a t-shirt and snow pants during a hike or outdoor play in the snow. It’s a Midwestern thing. We see it all the time here in the transition season.

Snacks and Cocoa

While the spring air warms, there can still be a bit of a bite to it. Don’t forget to pack the cocoa and a thermos of hot water. A cocoa break is always appreciated on a cool winter or spring day. Heck, I even drink it in the summer.

Always pack snacks, no matter what time of year. The perk of spring snacking is that it’s not so hot that chocolate will melt and not so cold that snacks won’t freeze. It’s perfect, you can bring chocolate chip granola bars and apple sauces! Here are some Trail Snack Ideas if you’re feeling stumped on what to bring.

Snow Consistency

March snow is, hands down, the best snowman or snowball snow. It sticks together well and breaks apart easily. Perfect for snowball fights for a little trail fun. Hiding behind trees and logs is faster than building a fortress in the woods. Be sure to pelt your kids with snow, it’s great fun!

Extra Gear

All that slush and mush has the power to soak straight through any child’s glove or mitten. I don’t care what it’s made of, they will get wet on a “warm” March day. Pack extra gloves. If you want to be really prepared, having a pair of dry shoes and socks in the car for the ride home can be a real game changer at the end of your hike and help you end on a high note especially if you have a long drive home.

Lake Maria State Park

Lake Maria State Park is perfect a weekend getaway or a quick day trip. Check out all this park has to offer for hiking, canoeing, and sight seeing.

Perched just an hour northwest of the metro area sits a little park packed full of outdoorsy splendor. Lake Maria State Park is great for a quick getaway or a day hike. It’s impressive how much has been packed into this little slice of woods.

Quick Review: 7/10 This quiet park has much to offer for it’s size. If you’re lucky, you might spot the albino deer! The hiking trails are numerous and the lake is dazzling.


Lake Maria State Park has many ponds and small bodies of water scattered thoughout it. The largest lake in the park is named Little Mary Lake. There is a drive in access for either boat or canoe. There is a 20 horsepower limit for motors on this lake.

Canoes are welcome on Little Mary Lake and Maria Lake. Maria Lake is accessable by hiking trail only. Nestled into different sides of the lake are two hike-in campsites.

Hiking Trails

Zumbrunnen Trail: The cutest little trail in the park is a short interpretive trail to the left of the lake access on Little Mary Lake. A whopping one mile needle trail with signs informing hikers of the wildlife in the park. The short boardwalk leads over a marsh area along Little Mary Lake into a chunk of woods and back around to the boardwalk again. This a great trail for short legs or a short amount of time to visit the park.

Anderson Hill Loop: This 3 mile loop offers a wonderful overlook of the area around the park. A pleasant spot during autumn that gives a look over the top of the trees and travels down into the old growth forest where leaves slowly drift down to the forest floor. Squirrels are abundant in this area of the park with all of the nuts around from these mature trees.

There are numerous other trails throughout the park, many of them connecting to another. This is great opportunity to hike as many or as few miles as you please with a variety of scenery.


A large variety of animals call Lake Maria State Park home, including a few rare sights that hikers have been lucky enough to see.

Rare Turtle: The Blandings turtle can be spotted in the ponds and lakes in the park. This is an endangered turtle and a treat to spot in the park.

Birdwatching: A birders paradise! Lake Maria State park is home to 205 different species of birds. Bring your binoculars and get ready to check birds off your checklist. Some are residents while others are just passing through, check the migration patterns to give a greater chance of spotting the migratory birds.

Deer: We have spotted many deer in this park. They seem to be accustomed to hikers and campers making them easier to spot by quiet hikers. If you’re really lucky, you may just spot the parks albino deer!

Squirrels: A band of feisty squirrels are scattered about the park. They are a real entertaining sight. Xena, the Dane, enjoys them the most.

Bears: While not a common sight in Lake Maria State Park, locals have spotted a bear more in recent years. Some bordering the park have even spotted the curious creatures at bird feeders.


Lake Maria State Park offers a more secluded camping experience in relation to other parks near the metro area. This makes it a popular destination as well, so book early. Even with all of the campsites filled, there is much space between sites. All campsites require a half to one mile hike to your site. There are no drive in sites.

We camped in the group campsite with my daughters girl scout troop. The group camp area is quite spacious and connects to other trails in the park. The trails are a peaceful escape in the early morning hours to have a few moments of peace before the scouts wake up. One small path led to a little pond, beautiful.

Camper Cabins: There are three camper cabins available at Lake Maria. These cabins lack electricity, but have heat available via a wood burning stove. A much more rustic experience than that of other parks with electricity and heat at the ready.

Evening Chorus: The evenings of summer camping at Lake Maria was filled with the song of owls and coyotes. Can you think of a better lullaby?

Nearby the park, there is a dog sledding kennel. While we did not hear any husky howling, others have mentioned hearing some singing from the dogs. They have a lovely chorus when they all sing together.

Other Activities


  • Hiking- 14 miles
  • Horse Trails: 6 miles
  • Canoeing- rentals available at park office
  • Fishing


  • Cross Country Skiing- 6 miles
  • Snowshoeing- Anywhere in the park, not on groomed trails

Cascade River State Park, MN: The Cascades, Lookout Mountain, and Superior Shores

Catch a glimpse of beauty at one of the North Shores best state parks. Waterfalls, overlooks, and gorgeous Lake Superior shoreline.

The North Shore of Minnesota is a frequent haven for our family. Cascade River has been passed so many times on our way to somewhere else. We finally made a point to stop and actually camp at this park before our entry into the BWCA for an Eagle Mountain hike. This way, we could not pass it up any longer. What an amazing park it is, with so much to see!

Quick Review: 9/10 Cascade River gets a pretty high rating from our crew. While our trip was a comical calamity, the park itself still delivered on the beauty. This is a park we will visit again on future trip to the far north.


The name ‘Cascade River’ is spot on with this park. The falls are something out of a fairy tale and accented well with the built in log bridge and overlook. There are multiple falls at this park, all of which have easy hikes to access them.

Cascade Falls: The Cascade River roars down the falls at Cascade Falls making it’s way down to the shores of Lake Superior. This hike is a half mile long from the trail center. These falls drop 25 feet rushing toward Lake Superior through dramatic gorges and rapids. This is a phenomenal location for nature photographers.

The Cascades: Travel a short distance up river for a second falls experience. The log bridge crossing the river reveals spectacular angles for head-on views of the swift waters. We spent quite a bit of time admiring the chaotic, yet hypnotic flow of the river.

Hidden Falls: If you have time to spare, there is a bonus falls just outside of the park, upstream on Cascade River. It’s a small falls that can be accessed by a simple hike from a parking area near a bridge over Cascade River. It’s easier than it sounds. To get to this parking area head north on Hwy 61 leaving the state park, turn left at onto CR 7, and another left onto CR 44 after 2 miles. The parking area will be about 2.5 miles down the road. On foot, head south on the Superior Hiking Trail to the falls, the hike distance is just under a mile.


Cascade River has the options of camping with an RV, in a tent at the campground, or backpacking to designated campsites. We had an interesting experience while camping at Cascade River. For the full disaster check out Mistakes & Lessons at Cascade River.

Backpack Sites: We chose to hike in to a campsite. Our hike was about 1.5 miles long to the Lookout Mountain campsite (BP5) and included a portion of the Superior Hiking Trail. With ample parking provided by this park, it was quick to secure a spot for the Pathfinder. Then we hiked in the dark… yeah, it was a mess.

Bear Box: The backpack campsites do come equipped with a ‘bear box.’ This is a metal lockable box to keep bears from helping themselves to your dinner while you’re are sleeping or away from camp.

Campground: If hiking to a campsite is not in the cards or not your style, the park also is equipped with a campground containing 40 sites available for RV’s and tents alike. Showers and toilets are available in the campground, seasonally of course.

State Park Hiking Trails

Cascade River State Park boasts 18 miles of hiking trails. Many of the trails are difficult and contain rough terrain or steep inclines. Check the map before hitting the trail and compare the trail with your skill level. Hike smart and know your ability.

The easiest hikes are closer to the shores of Lake Superior. This trail is easily accessed by hiking down from the falls area or at the parking area near the shoreline.

Lookout Mountain: The best overlook in the park, in my opinion, came from the climb to Lookout Mountain, which I continuously called ‘Overlook Mountain’. This hike will take you from the Trail Center, past the Cascades, along a portion of the Superior Hiking Trail, and near a campsite. At the top of this peak you’ll be able gain views all the way to Lake Superior. It’s one of the best vantage points on the Northshore. The distance for this hike, out and back, is about 3 miles.

Superior Hiking Trail

The Superior Hiking Trail cuts through the park for a portion of the trails. It leads past Lookout Mountain and The Cascades before exiting the park. The shared sections are clearly marked in the park. There are is something cool about hiking a little sections of the trail on your adventure in Cascade River State Park, especially with the kids along.

Lake Superior

Cascade River State Park contains over a mile of shoreline to explore on the great Lake Superior. To access Lake Superior, use either the parking along Hwy 61 at the Cascade Wayside or the parking area near the trail center inside the park and hike to the shoreline using the hiking trails. Parking at the Trail Center will allow for a great hike by the falls prior to strolling along the shore.

Nearby Restaurants

Cascade Restaurant & Pub: This rustic joint sits immediately south of Cascade River State Park. They have amazing burgers and the crispy chips are fantastic. We stopped here after a trek in the Boundary Waters, Bower Trout to Swan Lake. After a long weekend of camp grub, this really hit the spot.

My Sister’s Place: North of the park in Grand Marais is a great place that has a unique shake on the menu. Blueberry!! What!? It was delicious, a great change from your typical strawberry or chocolate shakes. The burgers were quite tasty as well. The restaurant has a casual feel with both indoor and outdoor seating.

Neighboring State Parks & Hikes

A great perk about the state parks along the North Shore, is that there is no shortage of hiking and sight seeing in the area. The North Shore is home to eight state parks, numerous recreation area and waysides with stunning views. You don’t have to stay on the shores of Lake Superior to satisfy your wanderlust, a great hike just an hour inland is waiting. Check out Eagle Mountain in the Boundary Waters.

Mistakes & Lessons at Cascade River State Park

Not every adventure goes according to plan. Here are the lessons we learned camping at Cascade River State Park. An adventure full of mistakes is an adventure full of lessons.

Sometimes plans go awry. Even with meticulous planning and an abundance of camping experience, plans can still go… awry. Good stories never come from everything going according to plan. Lessons aren’t learned that way, either. So take a gander at this mess and learn a bit from our mistakes. Perhaps your next trip will run a bit smoother because of it.

The camping trip was all planned out for Scott, Sandy, Killian, and myself. On our first night we would stay at Cascade River State Park. A hike-in site would ensure solitude in the popular park. We’d pack up camp in the morning and explore a bit before heading to the BWCA for a second night of camping and to tackle Eagle Mountain, the highest point in Minnesota. That’s not entirely what happened.


Original Plan: I would spend Friday morning packing up the Pathfinder and getting things ready to leave while Scott went to work. At 10:30am I would do my short list of dog walks for the day and be back by noon. Scott would leave work early and be ready to roll by 1:00pm.

What Actually Happened: On Thursday, the air conditioner in my vehicle went out. We brought it to the auto shop and asked if they could fix it in a hurry. They said it would be done by noon on Friday.

Perfect, that still gave me an hour to get things loaded before we hit the road. No worries. I’d have to bike to my dog walks, but that was okay. 1:00pm comes and no phone call to say the Pathfinder is done. I give them a call to see how it’s going. I’m told that the part was supposed to arrive over an hour before I called and still hadn’t shown up. It was after 3pm by the time it was ready to be picked up. We got on the road at 3:45pm. This was going to be close, we were now racing daylight.

Arriving at the Park

Original Plan: We’d stop in at the park office for a look around, grab a map, park approved firewood, and perhaps a souvenir or two. I do like to chat with Park Rangers a bit before heading out to a campsite. They are a great resource for recent happenings in the parks and on trails.

What Actually Happened: We hauled a** and pulled into the park at 8:55pm, precisely sunset. The park office was already closed for the day. No stopping to get a map or even venturing toward the office to see if maps were left by the bulletin boards, as is the case at some parks. Nope, I pulled up the map that I had saved on my phone and called it good.

Hiking in the Dark

Original Plan: We were to arrive at the park with a good 3 hours of sunlight. Ample time to get loaded up with gear and have a leisurely mile and a half hike with a 10 year old and a 2 year old. Stopping to see the sights and enjoy the woods. Plenty of time to set up camp and have taco rice for dinner and s’mores. Taking in the last glimpses of sunset over the vast expanses of forest beneath Lookout Mountain.

What Actually Happened: Scott and I exchanged concerned looks. Not because of the risk of coming across moose, bears or wolves along our way in the dark, unfamiliar, foreboding forest. No, it was the daunting task of hiking with a now crabby and tired 2 year old and his equally crabby, tired, and slightly frightened 10 year old sister. Yikes.

Having been in a flustered hurry while packing earlier in the day, I seemed to have overlooked packing any headlamps or flashlights… a very unfortunate mistake on my park. Thankfully, our daughter keeps a flashlight in her daypack. Scott used his phone to light his way at the front of the line, while simultaneously looking at my phone for the map. I was using Sandy’s flashlight at the rear of the group to make sure we didn’t lose any kids or the dog.

Killian was not afraid. Being 2, he was naïve to the dangers of the forest and very into the “Going on a Bear Hunt” song that his grandma had taught him. Wildly convenient! Once he got moving on the trail, he was in his own little world of adventure. He did not stop talking the entire hike. This was actually comforting to his sister, Sandy. We assured her that no animal would want to come anywhere near that nonstop chatterbox.

Arriving at Camp

Original Plan: We were supposed to arrive at camp with hours of daylight to spare. The kids would have a chance the check out their new surroundings and explore.

What Actually Happened: As darkness fell, we kept checking our map and scooting along a quickly as a toddler can go. Based on the map indications, the campsite should have been at a little turn off of the main trail. But we only saw one, questionable turn off. We checked around for indications of a campsite. There was a small remanence of a past campfire with a circle of rocks and a small clearing where a tent had been placed. Our options were to push the now exhausted children to hike further in hopes of finding the actual campsite or make due with our location right there. We set up camp.

Camp Setup

Original Plan: Getting to the campsite would be a great accomplishment for our two young hikers. The fearless adventurers would assist in setting up the tent and unrolling their sleeping bags. Setting up camp is always a great experience with the kids and gives them a change to use all of the cool gear and learn new skills.

What Actually Happened: Deciding to stay in this little clearing meant having to make due with the conditions set before us. With no daylight left and very little artificial light given, I set to work setting up the tent. I can move fairly quickly in this endeavor when needed. It was needed. Sandy helped with some parts of the tent setup, the parts that were most in the light of the flashlight. Killian huddled closely to his dad, who was holding flashlight and phone up high, trying to provide the most light possible. We accomplished our set up and quickly threw our sleeping gear inside.

Bear Proofing

Original Plan: After camp set up, we would sit down to have a delicious meal of taco rice. Once dishes were cleaned and stowed away, we’d be able to make a quick little fire to roast our s’mores and gaze up at the stars from our great overlook destination. The bear box provided would make quick work of storing our food pack. The box was located on the side of the lean-to shelter at the campsite.

What Actually Happened: With camp set up complete, it was time to hide our food pack. Problem is, no campsite means no bear box. We always pack rope on a camping trip, we’d need it the following night in the BWCA. The trouble was spotting a tree good for hanging a food pack in the dark. We found a tree that would suffice, it was over a small gorge. We were thankful that we weren’t new to the whole concept of hanging packs from trees.

Sleep Tight

Original Plan: I had packed cards and a book for the kids to entertain them before bed. Killian had a “Goodnight Minnesota” book, it would be the perfect read in the Northwoods. Our favorite card games to play are while camping are Go Fish, Crazy 8’s, and the classic Old Maid. I was looking forward to fooling Sandy into being the Old Maid. Following our competitive festivities and story telling, we’d cozy into our sleeping bags and get our dog settled with her blanket.

What Actually Happened: We did not play games. We did not read stories. It was straight to bed. We got the very tired kids into their pajamas and sleeping bags. We had planned this trip for the middle of July, the hottest month of the year. The kids stayed plenty warm. Scott and I stayed plenty warm. Xena, the Great Dane, did not stay warm.

I was hoping that because it was July and we had brought her warm blankets, she would be toasty warm. Not the case this weekend. She found herself wrapped in not only her blanket, but my sleeping bag as well. I also curled up around her to keep her warm with my body heat. I wasn’t cold at all, but she was shivering before I snuggled up to her. After readjusting her sleeping arrangements with snuggles, my good old girl slept like a baby.

Morning Surprise

Original Plan: I’d rise early to catch a peaceful sunrise at the overlook and have a few quiet moments before the kids burst out of the tent with youthful energy. We’d have a simple break of oatmeal and enjoy our hot cocoa and coffee. Xena would eat up her kibble and maybe a jerky snack or two. Packing up camp would be a snap as we usually pack pretty light and have a good system down.

What Actually Happened: Something stinks….. bad. Xena stretched in her cozy spot and the smell became more putrid.

Side note: Xena was 8 years old on this trip last summer. With her age, she has developed mild fecal incontinence. This means that occasionally a little nugget will fall out without her knowledge. We were aware of this problem, but it’s not too frequent and is usually quite easy to clean up.

Miss Xena had indeed made a mess on her blanket and my sleeping bag. This was not a simple clean up. The mess in question was smashed into both items. This two night trip had now been knocked down to a single night trip. I was not going to sleep in a soiled sleeping bag, no thanks.

We fetched to food pack to prepare breakfast for the kids and Xena. While they ate and had their hot cocoa, I tore down camp. This is usually a group effort. With a stinky Xena mess on our hands, I didn’t want it ending up on their hands. This was a job for mom only.

Xena decided that burying her breakfast in the dirt was better than eating. I spent a great deal of time picking kibble out of the dirt; leave no trace. By the time I was able to eat breakfast it was cold. Excellent… Not.

Hiking Out

Original Plan: The hike out was supposed to get us motivated for the day of exploring ahead. Seeing the trail we had concurred the night before in a new light of a bright sunny morning. Checking out the waterfalls once more as we meandered back to the Pathfinder.

What Actually Happened: We started our hike out by hiking farther in. The motivation was to see where this illusive campsite really was. To our dismay, it was a scant quarter mile farther down the trail. But it ran right next to a huge drop, hence the name Lookout Mountain. It was indeed a great overlook. The cliff stood over an astounding view that would have certainly looked breathtaking at sunrise… had we actually been there to see it. We checked out the camp, it was a nice little area.

Now that we had seen what could have been, we were ready to venture back to our starting point. It was a brand new hike, even though we had traversed the same path ten hours earlier. It the morning sun, we were able to see all that we had missed in the dark. Killian was a great little hiker, once we got moving. Sandy was most pleased when we stopped to play at a bridge and creek. She is fascinated by water of any kind.

We spent some time gazing at the falls on our way back. We hadn’t taken any time to appreciate them the night before while rushing to get as far as we could before total darkness. They were wonderful. I highly recommend getting a glimpse of these beauties when visiting the far North Shore.

Eagle Mountain

Original Plan: We would grab a map quickly at the Sawtooth Outfitters in Tofte and head to the trail head. We would hike in to one of the two campsites available on the way to Eagle Mountain. This is inside of the Boundary Waters, a permit is required, we had such permit and hoped for the campsite on Whale Lake. Being that we would be staying at a campsite for the night, we would only be doing half of the 7 mile hike that day. Three and half miles would be no problem for the kids.

We would leave our gear and hang our food pack at the campsite and hike the rest of the way to the peak of Eagle Mountain. The break of dropping off gear would give the kids a break from hiking and a chance to play by the lake on a hot summer afternoon. The hike back to the campsite after reaching the peak of Eagle Mountain would be short as it’s fairly close.

What Actually Happened: We picked up our map from Sawtooth Outfitter and made our way to the trail head. The parking area was surprisingly full. I hadn’t packed the child carrier. The original three and a half miles was not going to be an issue for our littlest hiker. After Xena’s incident, we were not staying the night. Our hike was just doubled. No carrier was now a problem.

Killian was a trooper for fair distance in. His energy began to fade and his lack of sleep caught up to him. It was dad to the rescue. Scott carried Killian on his shoulders on and off for a great deal of the trail. Killian’s legs would get sore after a while from having his legs pressing into his dad’s shoulders. Then he’d walk for a while until he was tired. Sandy was amazing! She carried on with no problem, such a great hiker.

While we had to modify our plan for Eagle Mountain, it was a great hike. I would highly recommend it for every Minnesota hiker! Be sure to bring a child carrier for the little ones, though, even if you think you don’t need it. Hiking Eagle Mountain was a great experience.

Saturday Night Dinner

Original Plan: Return to camp on Whale Lake from the hike to Eagle Mountain and enjoy another camp dinner with a fire and watch the kids play by the rocky shore. Have a s’more or two before hanging the food pack for the night.

What Actually Happened: After our longer than planned hike to Eagle Mountain, we were starving. Of course we had brought snacks, but sometimes snacks are not enough. We headed toward Grand Marais in search of a place to grab dinner. This was a great alternative to camp dinner; My Sister’s Place. This restaurant hit the spot and they even had blueberry milkshakes. It was delicious. After our delicious dinner we headed straight for home.

Lessons Learned

Every camping trip should teach an adventurer something new. If you’ve learned everything there is to know about camping and the great outdoors, good for you. The rest of us will learn as we go and strive to take a little something out of each trip. Or in this case, a lot of somethings. Here are the lessons we learned from this disastrous, yet memorable, camping trip.

  • Ensure the vehicle intended for the trip is in working conditions well before the journey. We already knew this from our Accidental Trip to Tettigouche State Park several years ago, but I guess we needed a reminder.
  • Have a printed map prior to arriving at your destination.
  • Pack the damn flashlights.
  • Camp at designated campsites.
  • Always pack rope (we had this one down).
  • Bring cleaning supplies when traveling with a senior dog.
  • Bring a jacket if that senior dog might get cold (it was July! How was she cold?!)
  • Always pack the child carrier, even if you think you won’t need it.

The biggest one:

  • When the camping trip doesn’t go according to plan, that doesn’t make it a bad trip. Despite all of the weird events and misfortunate circumstances that occurred; we had a great trip. Our Cascade River/Eagle Mountain experience wasn’t what we expected but it certainly made some lasting memories.

BWCA Larch Creek to Clove Lake

This out and back route in the BWCA is perfect for beginners seeking full immersion into the Boundary Waters without the lengthy portages. Camp on!

This out and back route in the BWCA is perfect for beginners who are seeking full immersion into the BWCA and seclusion without the lengthy portages. While I wouldn’t consider this to be an easy route, it is a less complicated route if you’re new but energetic. It is also quite short in comparison to other, more popular areas.

Gunflint Ranger Station:
Address: 2020 W. Hwy 61
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Hours:May 1- Sept. 30 Thurs-Mon 8am-4:30pm
Oct. 1- April 33 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm
Phone: 218-387-1750

Note: The Gunflint Ranger Station is closed Tuesday and Wednesday. The Tofte Ranger Station can be used instead if your entry date falls on one of these days. Check in with your chosen Ranger Station if you have questions about your entry dates or permits. They are there to help.

Entry Point #80
Permits Issued Daily1
Permit TypeOvernight Paddle
Ranger Station Gunflint Ranger Station

Getting to the Entry Point

After your usual visit to the Ranger Station for the super awesome, informational video and quiz, you’re ready to hit the road. The drive from the Gunflint Ranger Station in Grand Marais to Entry Point 80 is 50 miles, it’ll take a little over an hour, depending on how much lead is in your foot. Watch for moose!

Start out by heading North on Hwy 61, after a mile you’ll take a left onto 5th Ave West. This will take you right to the Gunflint trail. Turn left onto the Gunflint Trail and follow for 48 miles. This is the easiest drive to an entry point there is. You’ll know when you’ve reached the entry point when see the Sea Gull Guard Station on the right side of the road. The landing is immediately after the guard station.

The Landing/Parking

Parking at the Larch Creek landing is very limited. However, we have not had any issues parking given that there is only one permit issued per day for this location. The parking area is right beside the creek making loading the canoes a snap. But be warned, the mosquitos are horrendous while moving gear. Keep the bug spray handy.

Larch Creek, Dam it

Beaver dam, after beaver dam, after beaver dam. You will cross a great quantity of beaver dams and right when you think you’ve pulled your canoe over the last beaver dam. BAM! There’s another one waiting for you just around the next bend. There is no shortage of beaver dams in this stretch of creek. You may begin to think that there has to be about a hundred beavers living in this tiny winding creek.

My brother’s family were the most recent paddlers in our camping crew to voyage on this waterway. He and his family counted 11 beaver dams to pull over. They had low water on their trip, that makes the pullovers more difficult.

**A word of caution about beaver dams; the downstream side will be deeper than the the upstream side. The sediment builds up against the dam creating the illusion that the water isn’t as deep. On the downstream side of the dam, there will be a significant drop-off where flowing water has been washing out the river floor. Watch out for this. My brother-in-law got very wet with a mis-step. Always wear your life jacket.

Larch Lake

Once you’ve gotten your upper body and back workout from the beaver dam pulls, it’s time to paddle across the serene lake of Larch. It’s a petite lake with three campsites available, two shoreline and one island site. We haven’t camped on this lake, however, it’s nice to have a backup plan in case the sites on Clove are all taken. Scope it out as you paddle across and keep in mind the sites available.


After the straight shot paddle across Larch Lake, the portage waits with a rocky greeting. The portage is short and relatively flat with a handful of minor rocky areas. At just 35 rods, this portage is a snap. Watch those rocks though, so your ankle doesn’t also become a snap.

Another Creek

Portage complete, you’re not quite to Clove. There is yet, another creek to paddle. A not-so-winding creek with fewer beaver disturbances gives way to the much anticipated Clove lake. I just love the entrance into Clove Lake, it welcomes you in as it opens up to the free, unobstructed waters. Take in the glorious site, it’s well deserved after all of those beaver dams.

Clove Lake

Campsites: Upon entering Clove, a campsite sits directly north from where the creek meets Clove. This site is great for a view of the lake, it’s higher vantage point makes for a great place to check over the lake. It’s not a huge climb by any means, but it is a higher point on the shoreline.

The family favorite campsite is on the far north end of Clove. It has a sandy beach for swimming, larger tent area, places to hang hammocks and a great landing for the canoes. The only downside to this campsite; it can be a real pain to paddle to the other side on a truly windy day. That’s it, that’s all I can think of. This site is great!

Day Trip- Little Rock Falls

Little Rock Falls is a quick and entertaining day trip. It’s maybe two miles away portaging and paddling together. Take the portage on the east side of Clove Lake to Pine River, it’s 100 rods but not difficult. Head south on Pine River to the next portage. Keep an eye out for border markers. There were quite a few of downed trees over some rapids right off the bat entering Pine River. We got out to explore the area and check out the rapids. Here is where we found a border marker. A very cool find for my little camper. My daughter was just 4 years old on her first trip.

Farther along down Pine River, you’ll come across another portage. At just 45 rods, you’ll make quick work of this short stint. When you’ve reached the next portage you’ll have found Little Rock Falls. Take time for a quick picnic and enjoy the scenery.

For a great deal more on Clove Lake and our experiences, check out Clove Lake: A BWCA Beginner Lake

Cozy Camper Cabins: Weekend Getaway at Jay Cooke State Park

Cozy up in these rustic little cabins scattered about the Minnesota State Parks. The perfect getaway spot for couples or families seeking a secluded winter experience in the woods.

A stay in a Camper Cabin was on my Winter Bucket List this year. Jay Cooke really delivered on the winter wonderland/cozy cabin feel for the weekend. Not knowing what to expect for our first Camper Cabin stay, we were truly impressed with this experience and will absolutely be seeking out more adventures like this one from our State Parks in Minnesota.


Our choice of park was Jay Cooke State Park. 29 of the 66 state parks in Minnesota have camper cabins. Not all are available year round, this excellent map from the DNR website shows which parks have camper cabins specific to the time of year. With all of these locations to choose from, you’re bound to find one at a park that suits your family and the adventure you’re looking for. The DNR website is an amazing resource and has a map of all parks offering cabins here.

We landed on Jay Cooke for two reasons. First, I was a little late in the game to reserve a cabin and most were take already. Jay Cooke had just one cabin left. Second, the close proximity to Duluth for the Cold Front Winter Festival and site seeing along Lake Superior. For more on Jay Cooke in the winter check out our Winter at Jay Cooke post.

Campground Winter Accommodations

Majority of the campground accommodations are shutdown for the winter, including water, showers, and restrooms. There are still a few things available in the area for winter campers and cabin guests.

Frost Proof Spigot: The park provides a frost proof spigot for water that is available for cooking and drinking water year round. This is close to the cabins and campsites that remains open for the winter.

Vault Style Toilets: These ‘restrooms’ remain open year-round. They are surprisingly more pungent in the winter than in the summer. I would image the reason for this is the lack of microorganisms breaking down the waste. Toilet paper is available and not lacking in supply in the restrooms.

**Warning: Vault style toilets in winter are chilly on the buns. If you’re camping with kids, use the restroom first to save their little buns from a frosty shock.

Inside Gabbro Cabin

We stayed in the Gabbro Cabin. This cabin sleeps 6 people comfortably. There are two sets of bunks. A single sleeper on the top bunk with a double on the bottom. The mattresses are surprisingly comfortable. Bring your own bedding, the mattresses do not have sheets on them. We brought our sleeping bags, worked like a charm and made it feel more like camping.

The cabin contains a small breakfast nook. It works great for meals, organizing the daypack and play cards late at night.


Cooking is not allowed inside the cabin. That’s no problem as there is a nicely placed picnic table outside that works great for a cooking surface. It’s perfectly level for a camp stove. We made our morning coffee outside and enjoyed our thermal mugs of liquid energy inside the cabin.


Firewood can be purchased at the Park Office upon check-in. They also have fire starters available. I recommend purchasing two of these fire starters as the wood takes a bit of effort to catch. We had a heck of a time getting the kiln dried wood to start, as usual. Thankfully, I had a fire starter in my Winter Emergency Kit that I keep in my vehicle. Collecting firewood from around the campground area is not allowed.

Fire rings are not shoveled out by the park service. If you intent to have a campfire during your stay in the winter, plan to bring a shovel to clear the snow.

**S’mores Tip: Eat your s’more fast or you’ll be holding it over the fire to thaw the chocolate before you’re finished.


The cabins at Jay Cooke have electricity and heat. Our cabin was kept at a comfortable 65 degrees during our stay, though it is requested that campers turn the temperature down to 60 when leaving camp.

Clean Up

A simple clean up is the responsibility of cabin guests. The park doesn’t ask for much from the campers. A broom and shovel are in the porch for guest use. Clean up is a snap as there are boot mats and rugs inside the cabins.

  • Wipe down surfaces.
  • Sweep cabin floor (mops available at park office if needed).
  • Pack out trash, larger trash bins are located inside the campground.

What to Bring

Sleeping Bags/Pillows: The cabin is equipped with bunks and mattresses but campers will need to supply their own bedding.

Camp Stove/Cookware: There is no kitchen inside the cabin. Plan to cook just as you would for outdoor camping or bring along food that doesn’t require cooking.

Eating Utensils/Dishes: No kitchen also means no utensils or dishes. Treat this just like a camping situation and bring your own dishes for making meals, eating, and cleaning up.

Headlamp: The vault toilet is conveniently close but it lacks light. Our stay was during a full moon so the path to the restroom was well lit. Inside the shack, it was quite dim and a headlight was required at night.

Cards/Games: It gets dark early in the winter. Bring some cards or other family favorites for entertainment inside the cabin at night. My daughter whooped my butt several times in Uno. Good times.

Water Jug & Dispenser: There is a spigot available, this one is not essential. But it sure does make things easier. I love having this along on all trips that we’ll be having the vehicle along or nearby. It’s great for filling water bottles and cooking at camp.

Shovel: If you are intending to have a campfire, bring a small shovel to dig out the fire ring. There was a shovel in the cabin porch, but it wasn’t the right shovel for the job.

Add this winter adventure to your Winter Bucket List and experience the snowy wonderland of the Minnesota State Parks.